Wednesday, July 26, 2017

FW: Lesley's daughter -Tanya's- matches with Vosper cousins

Hi Cousins,
Cousin Lesley's daughter was the Ancestry DNA match I sent you earlier.  Lesley and I ran the Gedmatch reports, and the media below represent the results of those comparisons.
Cousin Teri
Hi Teri
You'll be getting mightily tired of me sending you data!  (And I still have a cousin that might well throw something else into the Vosper pot!)
Tanya's GEDmatch number is A647352.  I'm surprised that there are so many matches as it is yet another generation down the line!  Sorry can't do the GMP stuff yet!!

Robyn Morley's

I haven't done any of the Tanya's close family, so as not to cloud the issue.
Cousin Lesley

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