Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Re: A new Vosper cousin has appeared in Ancestry DNA results!

Very cool, thanks for sharing! 

Virus-free. www.avg.com

On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 10:30 AM Infoseeker@Gmail <infoseeker1980@gmail.com> wrote:

I noticed a new Vosper cousin in my DNA results the other day and was quick to get in touch with her to nail down our relationship.   This is how Bernadette appears in my DNA results:



Her closest "Vosper Cousin" is Robert Norris Vosper:



She matches my brother, T.B., at 201 cM,




I have updated the cousin chart, attached to put Bernadette on it (she's in the 4th column from left edge), and have also added Glenda back in, as I had somehow inadvertently used an old version of the chart in previous updates.


Hope you are all doing well and are ready for the holidays!


Cousin Teri


Sunday, December 2, 2018

A new Vosper cousin has appeared in Ancestry DNA results!

I noticed a new Vosper cousin in my DNA results the other day and was quick to get in touch with her to nail down our relationship.   This is how Bernadette appears in my DNA results:



Her closest “Vosper Cousin” is Robert Norris Vosper:



She matches my brother, T.B., at 201 cM,




I have updated the cousin chart, attached to put Bernadette on it (she’s in the 4th column from left edge), and have also added Glenda back in, as I had somehow inadvertently used an old version of the chart in previous updates.


Hope you are all doing well and are ready for the holidays!


Cousin Teri


Monday, October 8, 2018

Re: An interesting read - followup on Sam Vosper and others mentioned in the book

Hi Cousin Teri
I'm afraid I cannot add much to your store of knowledge. Samuel Vosper 1866-1955 had plenty of siblings but none called Ethel or Min. Samuel himself was born in St Dominics and died in Liskeard. His father William Samuel was born in Callington and died in Liskeard but no doubt you know that
Cousin Malcolm

On 8 Oct 2018, at 16:33, Infoseeker@Gmail <infoseeker1980@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Cousin Malcolm! [see message below]
Well, thanks for that!  Do you know what community each was in?  I have a William Samuel Vosper on my tree, but he has different dates.  I think the 1866-1955 person is the best candidate, but there is absolutely no indication of age of the person in the stories.  
Here is a synopsis of some of the Vosper references from the book:  
There is one mention of a woman Bessie, dau. of Sarah  Rickard and Edwin Grills, I think. (P. 93) Bessie married Sam Vosper from Boetherick.  The butcher shop was at "West Boetherick Farm."  Sam employed fruit pickers, and employed Jack Rickard.  Sam "travelled to local markets…and he always provided kidneys and sweetbreads to Lady Ernestine, the Earl's sister, when she lived at Honeycombe House."  (P. 76)   
"Sam [the singer] was the nephew of the butcher at West Boetherick who was also called Sam." (P.80)  Sam [the singer] "was my [Leonard Hughes'] cousin and he took us out in his boat sometimes – he was a bit of a character and full of fun and he lived down at Woodlands." (P. 80) Sam was a singer at Wesleen/ Wesleyan Chapel.  Sam left and went to Liskeard.
The book also mentions Ethel and Min Vosper.  Did the 1866-1955 Samuel have sisters named Ethel and Min?  Ethel worked in the polling place on election day.  Ethel played tennis (P. 80).
The various comments are from various people, and they may or may not have been talking about the same "Sam".
Cousin Paula is wondering if anyone knows how the Vospers of the boat company are related – Herbert Edward Vosper was the founder.  I've looked briefly at it a number of times but have not figured it out.  Does anyone know?  https://www.battleships-cruisers.co.uk/vosper_thornycroft.htm
Another famous Vosper is  the actor, Frank Vosper, and how he was related.  I have put a tree together for him:  https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/47374333/family     You can read about his life here:  https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/47374333/person/6756524606/media/1c4a5b07-f71c-4284-9c72-3c6c019f51e9 and you can probably watch him in "The Man Who Knew Too Much" on your "On Line" demand system from the comfort of your own home.  He died when he fell off a cruise ship.
Cousin Teri
From: Malcolm 
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2018 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: An interesting read
Possible candidates to be the Sam Vosper would be William Samuel Vosper, Butcher, 1824-1896, son of George Vosper 1779-1852; or his son Samuel Vosper, Butcher, 1866-1955

RE: An interesting read - followup on Sam Vosper and others mentioned in the book

Hi Cousin Malcolm! [see message below]


Well, thanks for that!  Do you know what community each was in?  I have a William Samuel Vosper on my tree, but he has different dates.  I think the 1866-1955 person is the best candidate, but there is absolutely no indication of age of the person in the stories. 


Here is a synopsis of some of the Vosper references from the book: 


There is one mention of a woman Bessie, dau. of Sarah  Rickard and Edwin Grills, I think. (P. 93) Bessie married Sam Vosper from Boetherick.  The butcher shop was at "West Boetherick Farm."  Sam employed fruit pickers, and employed Jack Rickard.  Sam "travelled to local markets…and he always provided kidneys and sweetbreads to Lady Ernestine, the Earl's sister, when she lived at Honeycombe House."  (P. 76)  


"Sam [the singer] was the nephew of the butcher at West Boetherick who was also called Sam." (P.80)  Sam [the singer] "was my [Leonard Hughes'] cousin and he took us out in his boat sometimes – he was a bit of a character and full of fun and he lived down at Woodlands." (P. 80) Sam was a singer at Wesleen/ Wesleyan Chapel.  Sam left and went to Liskeard.


The book also mentions Ethel and Min Vosper.  Did the 1866-1955 Samuel have sisters named Ethel and Min?  Ethel worked in the polling place on election day.  Ethel played tennis (P. 80).


The various comments are from various people, and they may or may not have been talking about the same "Sam".


Cousin Paula is wondering if anyone knows how the Vospers of the boat company are related – Herbert Edward Vosper was the founder.  I've looked briefly at it a number of times but have not figured it out.  Does anyone know?  https://www.battleships-cruisers.co.uk/vosper_thornycroft.htm


Another famous Vosper is  the actor, Frank Vosper, and how he was related.  I have put a tree together for him:  https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/tree/47374333/family     You can read about his life here:  https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/47374333/person/6756524606/media/1c4a5b07-f71c-4284-9c72-3c6c019f51e9 and you can probably watch him in "The Man Who Knew Too Much" on your "On Line" demand system from the comfort of your own home.  He died when he fell off a cruise ship.


Cousin Teri


From: Malcolm
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2018 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: An interesting read


Possible candidates to be the Sam Vosper would be William Samuel Vosper, Butcher, 1824-1896, son of George Vosper 1779-1852; or his son Samuel Vosper, Butcher, 1866-1955


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Re: An interesting read

Possible candidates to be the Sam Vosper would be William Samuel Vosper, Butcher, 1824-1896, son of George Vosper 1779-1852; or his son Samuel Vosper, Butcher, 1866-1955

An interesting read

Hello Vosper cousins!


I’ve had a very productive month, and among the things I finished (so few of those!), was reading “A Stitch in Time” by Natalie Allen.  It is “Compiled from memories of village people” – the elders of St. Dominic’s Parish, in Cornwall.    Susan Katzban, our “maybe-cousin” or “probably-cousin” or “DNA proven but lineage not-for-sure-yet cousin”, sent me this to read.



I’ve read the entire (tiny) book, and added red flags wherever the name “Vosper” occurs.  You can see them on the right of the photo.


St. Dominic’s is located northeast of Pillaton, where my Vosper ancestors came from:



If you are interested in what day to day life was like in Cornwall from about 1880-1960, this is the book for you!  Unfortunately, the Vosper family Is not described in any depth, and most references are to Samuel Vosper, a butcher, choir director, leader of the Wesleyan Choir, and owner of a ‘big boat’.    I’m not sure who this Sam is – is he related to one of you?  My branch of the Vospers came to America in 1872, earlier than the time period of this book, but it was interesting nonetheless.  There is one small passage about the SMALE family:  “We played with the three Smale girls and Cicely Hamilton, who lived next door.”  Unfortunately I can’t remember all our cousins’ surnames, to tell you if your family is mentioned in it.


The book is not indexed, but there are many pages of lovely old photos:



My overall impressions were:

1.        Life was hard there, but people were happy working hard.

2.       Things were more primitive than I imagined, with no electricity or running water for a long time.

3.       People travelled much farther and more extensively that I realized.


The book is written like a collection of short stories, which makes it ideal for some easy reading.


I did an internet search for this book and came up with:  https://www.bookfinder.com/author/natalie-allen/  - if you’re interested.


I’ll be returning the book to Susan in the near future – many thanks to her for sharing this glimpse into the Cornish past.


OH!  I think it’s time for Poldark to start, too!


Hope you are all doing well,


Cousin Teri




Saturday, September 15, 2018

RE: Interesting Genealogy book

Hi Teri,


Have you gleaned any more from this book?




From: Glenda Mattes <touchdirt@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 4:15 AM
To: Infoseeker@Gmail <infoseeker1980@gmail.com>
Cc: Vosper Blog for Cousins <tccallahan.vosper@blogger.com>
Subject: Re: Interesting Genealogy book


Thanks, I'll check it out! 

We are on our way home from The Amazon. Will catch up later this week. 


On Mon, Sep 3, 2018, 4:20 PM Infoseeker@Gmail <infoseeker1980@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Vosper Cousins!


I've just found an interesting book.   Cousin Lesley asked me a question that led me down a genealogical rabbit hole and I found:





It shows on pages 2-3 how Geraldine Louise Grimshaw (I don't know who she is) is descended from the Vospers .


Page 8 starts on the descendants of John de Arundell (which we fall into) – and we have scores of famous cousins, if this author can be believed!  (Somehow I believe she missed me!)


Page 11 shows the descendants of Judith Dinham and Daniel Vosper


The higher number pages show many of our more famous cousins, such as:


Kenny Rogers:



The VonTrapp family:



Dick Clark:



John Wayne:



And on and on…..


I haven't vetted this book for authenticity, but it sure is interesting!  I wonder what volumes 1-4 hold!


Cousin Teri

Monday, September 10, 2018

Re: Interesting Genealogy book

Thanks, I'll check it out! 
We are on our way home from The Amazon. Will catch up later this week. 

On Mon, Sep 3, 2018, 4:20 PM Infoseeker@Gmail <infoseeker1980@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Vosper Cousins!


I've just found an interesting book.   Cousin Lesley asked me a question that led me down a genealogical rabbit hole and I found:





It shows on pages 2-3 how Geraldine Louise Grimshaw (I don't know who she is) is descended from the Vospers .


Page 8 starts on the descendants of John de Arundell (which we fall into) – and we have scores of famous cousins, if this author can be believed!  (Somehow I believe she missed me!)


Page 11 shows the descendants of Judith Dinham and Daniel Vosper


The higher number pages show many of our more famous cousins, such as:


Kenny Rogers:



The VonTrapp family:



Dick Clark:



John Wayne:



And on and on…..


I haven't vetted this book for authenticity, but it sure is interesting!  I wonder what volumes 1-4 hold!


Cousin Teri

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

FW: [Vosper Cousins] Re: Further investigation of the Grimshaw genealogy and unexpected (GREAT) results!

Sent: Monday, September 3, 2018 7:43 PM

Subject: [Vosper Cousins] Re: Further investigation of the Grimshaw genealogy and unexpected (GREAT) results!


Cousin Teri and all,


Me too! I am related to the Arundells on my Mom's side and if this Volume 3 is correct, I am related to the Arundells through the Rowley and Fuller and maybe Palmer side of my Dad's family. I can really advance my tree with this new information. 


Cousin Judy


Monday, September 3, 2018

Re: Further investigation of the Grimshaw genealogy and unexpected (GREAT) results!

Cousin Teri and all,

Me too! I am related to the Arundells on my Mom's side and if this Volume 3 is correct, I am related to the Arundells through the Rowley and Fuller and maybe Palmer side of my Dad's family. I can really advance my tree with this new information. 

Cousin Judy

On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 4:07 PM Infoseeker@Gmail <infoseeker1980@gmail.com> wrote:


Volume 1 is primarily a biography of Geraldine Grimshaw:  https://issuu.com/ianhandricks/docs/geraldine_grimshaw_genealogy_volume


Volume 2 – beginning on P. 41 is a rundown of descendants of John Dinham:      https://issuu.com/ianhandricks/docs/geraldine_grimshaw_genealogy_volume_5d5d544968e349


Volume 3 – The story of the Arundell family - https://issuu.com/ianhandricks/docs/geraldine_grimshaw_genealogy_volume_d0d413ae8f1623


Volume 3 has led me down another rabbit hole.  A very good rabbit hole.  As I was paging through it to see what it contained I happened across the name of another branch of my family.  Further and closer examination shows it has the history of my Palmer and Ayres families, who are on my father's side (The Vospers are on my mother's side).  This represents a BREAKTHROUGH for me, that will probably take me weeks to document.


It also means I descend from the Arundells on BOTH sides of my family!  Lucky me!


If you want to find Volume 4 – just google Geraldine Grimshaw volume 4.


Gotta go, have SO MUCH to do!


Cousin Teri

Re: Further investigation of the Grimshaw genealogy and unexpected (GREAT) results!

Thanks for sharing! 

On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 8:06 AM Infoseeker@Gmail <infoseeker1980@gmail.com> wrote:


Volume 1 is primarily a biography of Geraldine Grimshaw:  https://issuu.com/ianhandricks/docs/geraldine_grimshaw_genealogy_volume


Volume 2 – beginning on P. 41 is a rundown of descendants of John Dinham:      https://issuu.com/ianhandricks/docs/geraldine_grimshaw_genealogy_volume_5d5d544968e349


Volume 3 – The story of the Arundell family - https://issuu.com/ianhandricks/docs/geraldine_grimshaw_genealogy_volume_d0d413ae8f1623


Volume 3 has led me down another rabbit hole.  A very good rabbit hole.  As I was paging through it to see what it contained I happened across the name of another branch of my family.  Further and closer examination shows it has the history of my Palmer and Ayres families, who are on my father's side (The Vospers are on my mother's side).  This represents a BREAKTHROUGH for me, that will probably take me weeks to document.


It also means I descend from the Arundells on BOTH sides of my family!  Lucky me!


If you want to find Volume 4 – just google Geraldine Grimshaw volume 4.


Gotta go, have SO MUCH to do!


Cousin Teri

Further investigation of the Grimshaw genealogy and unexpected (GREAT) results!


Volume 1 is primarily a biography of Geraldine Grimshaw:  https://issuu.com/ianhandricks/docs/geraldine_grimshaw_genealogy_volume


Volume 2 – beginning on P. 41 is a rundown of descendants of John Dinham:      https://issuu.com/ianhandricks/docs/geraldine_grimshaw_genealogy_volume_5d5d544968e349


Volume 3 – The story of the Arundell family - https://issuu.com/ianhandricks/docs/geraldine_grimshaw_genealogy_volume_d0d413ae8f1623


Volume 3 has led me down another rabbit hole.  A very good rabbit hole.  As I was paging through it to see what it contained I happened across the name of another branch of my family.  Further and closer examination shows it has the history of my Palmer and Ayres families, who are on my father’s side (The Vospers are on my mother’s side).  This represents a BREAKTHROUGH for me, that will probably take me weeks to document.


It also means I descend from the Arundells on BOTH sides of my family!  Lucky me!


If you want to find Volume 4 – just google Geraldine Grimshaw volume 4.


Gotta go, have SO MUCH to do!


Cousin Teri

Interesting Genealogy book

Hi Vosper Cousins!


I’ve just found an interesting book.   Cousin Lesley asked me a question that led me down a genealogical rabbit hole and I found:





It shows on pages 2-3 how Geraldine Louise Grimshaw (I don’t know who she is) is descended from the Vospers .


Page 8 starts on the descendants of John de Arundell (which we fall into) – and we have scores of famous cousins, if this author can be believed!  (Somehow I believe she missed me!)


Page 11 shows the descendants of Judith Dinham and Daniel Vosper


The higher number pages show many of our more famous cousins, such as:


Kenny Rogers:



The VonTrapp family:



Dick Clark:



John Wayne:



And on and on…..


I haven’t vetted this book for authenticity, but it sure is interesting!  I wonder what volumes 1-4 hold!


Cousin Teri

FYI for our English Vosper Cousins.


I know my Vosper family left Cornwall for Plymouth before they came to America.




There is also a Cornish Roots and Branches Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/Cornishrootsandbranches/


Cousin Teri

Saturday, August 25, 2018



It’s been a heck of a day, today, cousins! 


Cousin Glenda got in touch with me, and informed me that I had left her branch of the Vosper family off the Cousin Chart.  (Picture me slapping myself on the head)


Glenda has been very helpful to me in my research of another (non-Vosper) line of  my family, and she certainly deserves to have her Vosper lineage included, so please find the Cousin Chart updated yet again.


If I have inadvertently left anyone else off, please let me know!


Cousin Teri

A new tool for evaluating Vosper relationships using DNA results - Trying to figure out how Susan Katzban is related.

Hi Vosper Cousins!

As I’ve mentioned in previous emails, I have been working with Susan Katzban trying to determine how she is related to so many Vosper Cousins.

The backstory:  Susan’s father Henry was brought up as the son of the Brent family, but when she got her DNA results she noticed that no Brent family members matched her or her brother.  She then discovered that Henry was born 6 months after his mother, Hetty, married into the Brent family.  On further investigation, she found that Hetty had lived as a servant with the Prideaux family.  Susan noticed that both she and her brother match MANY Vosper descendants.  I knew that Jane Vosper married William Prideaux.  So, we’re trying to prove that Hetty was impregnated by a Prideaux man, and who that might be, or if there are other viable alternatives. 

There is a new tool on DNAPainter.com which allows you to build a tree and add prospective relationships to it.  You assign the tree to one individual, then add all the DNA results to the various descendants.  You add places in the family where you THINK the assigned person might fit into the tree, and it then figures out a probability score to help you figure out which of the possible places is the most likely.  Here is a small portion of the tree and results, using Susan’s DNA matches.

In the small portion of the tree above, you can see 4 hypotheses for where Susan might fit into the Vosper family.  The tool then calculates a score for each possibility (you can see the score in the green boxes). 

If you’d like to see the entire tree and various hypotheses and their scores, you can save the txt file attached, and look at the entire thing by following the instructions below:

Go to DNAPainter.com, and select Tools:

Select the What are the Odds Tool:

On the right hand side, click LOAD:
Select CHOOSE FILE, and load the file I’ve sent you.  Then select “IMPORT DATA”.

The tree will load, and you can see a table with the results below the graph:

It shows that Hypothesis 2 is slightly more likely than Hypothesis 7, among other things.

Of course, the more lines of Vospers and more DNA matches we can plug in, the better.  So, perhaps, if you haven’t tested your DNA yet, you might want to consider it?  I recommend Ancestry.com, where most of the Vosper cousins have tested.

I have done this analysis for Susan with the Vosper family, her brother David with the Vosper family, Susan with the Prideaux family, David with the Prideaux family, and will be working on analyzing their results with descendants of the ancestors of the mother of Richard Prideaux next.

So, yep, I’ve been busy.

You could take the txt file I’ve sent attached and change the target person and dna results as needed for your family matches, if you desire.

Have a blast!

Cousin Teri

We have a new Vosper Cousin!

Yes, we have a new Vosper Cousin from down under!  Cherrie Strachan is descended from Joseph Vosper/Mary Frane ‘s daughter, Anne.

I am working with Cherrie to get her DNA test compared to the rest of the Vosper Cousins, and will send out the results, once we get that accomplished.

I have also been working with Susan Katzban on trying to figure out how she is related to the Vosper “Clan” and hope to have some results on that soon…

Seems like I have just been so busy this year!  BUT you are all close to my heart!

Cousin Teri

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

FW: 23andme match to Tom Bennett with Susan Brent Katzban -probable Vosper ancestry

Hi Cousins,


I got an inquiry from a DNA match (Susan Katzban) on 23andme that I'm wondering if any of you can help me with….


The Inquiry:


The Jane Vosper I'm interested in married William Prideaux (1801-1842) on January 1st 1828 in Stoke Damerel, Cornwall.   They had about 6 children (Thomas 1831, Mary Ann 1833, William 1836, Christiana 1837, Richard 1839 and Harriet 1841). 


Of these children the one I'm interested in is Thomas, who married Mary Truscott) and they had about 6 children (Harriett J 1854, William 1857, Thomas  H 1859, Laura M 1863, Richard 1866, and Arnold 1870)


Of these children I'm interested in Richard, who married a lady named Elizabeth.  In the 1911 Census they are shown as living on this farm in Cornwall.




Street Address

Westown Farm, Botus Fleming, Hatt, East Cornwall

Marital Status


Years Married


Estimated Marriage Year




Registration district

St Germans

Registration District Number


Sub-registration district


ED, institution, or vessel


Household schedule number




Household Members



Richard Prideaux


Elizabeth Prideaux


Thomas Prideaux


Samuel Penfound


Hetty Roose



  I do have this on my tree, but it is completely unsourced:



it came from an unsourced tree by " jradway68". 


Family Search has the marriage record – but no parents names given:



Family Search has 2 possible Jane Vospers, this one:


And this one:


This is my tree.  Since she is a DNA match, she should match on it:



Do any of you know who tis  Jane Vosper married to William Prideaux is?  Who her parents were?  Any sources?


Cousin Teri


From: Info Seeker
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 4:35 PM

Subject: 23andme match to Tom Bennett with Susan Brent Katzban - probable Vosper ancestry


Hi Susan.  I found your email address and have run some analysis of various Vosper cousins against your GEDMatch Kit #.   I have gotten many other Vosper DNA Kit #s since we last corresponded in February.  I have copied several Vosper Cousins who you also match.  Here is my analysis:




My brother, Tom:


My ½ brother,Robert: 


My 2nd cousin, Robert Vosper: 


Paula Vosper:  no match


Another Vosper cousin, James Vosper: 


Leslie (Vosper Cousin): 


Sheila (Vosper Cousin): 


Yvonne (Vosper Cousin):    


I'm pretty sure you must be a Vosper descendant!  Here is how all us Vosper Cousins are related (you match all the people in yellow):




I found your tree on Ancestry!  Yeah!  We both have family from Pillaton, Cornwall.  Susan's tree on Ancestry is at :


This is what it shows, geographically, for a common location.  My Vosper family was from the small town of Pillaton.



Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Update on Jewish Subclade of our Vosper clan

Hi everyone, hope your holidays were wonderful!


Cousin Robert's subclade for his haplogroup has been defined as J-P58.  You can see a description of this from Wikipedia.




Just thought you might be interested!


Cousin Teri


Monday, January 15, 2018

FW: A new DNA match with "C D" has appeared:



I believe this person is a relative of our Cousin Leslie, who shares the Boggia and Smale lines….


Cousin Teri