Tuesday, May 23, 2017

FW: Got a DNA match with Monica Parker - the chr. comparison.

Hi Everyone!  Lesley put Monica’s DNA on GedMatch, and I was able to run a number of comparisons with her and the rest of our clan.

I ran her against me, first:

What a nice, long segment – 28.3cM!  She also matches both of my brothers on the same segment on chr. 2.

Then I ran her against Cousin Paula:

Result:  Small matches on different segments.

Then I ran her against cousin James:

A good size match, on a completely different chromosome!

I also found a match with Yvonne, got a couple of small matches, and one nice one on chr. 19:

There were no other matches with the rest of the Vosper cousins.

Then I worked on triangulating the findings, but running the following tool on Gedmatch:

The 2nd chromosome has the most vertical matches (they are all on the same segment).   These are matches to me:

After all the work, this is how Monica looks in GenomeMate, showing all the people I maintain profiles for that have matches, in chromosomal order:

From: Lesley Dawson [mailto:mail@lesleydawson.net]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 9:33 AM
To: Infoseeker@Gmail
Subject: Re: Got a DNA match with Leslie Dawson Today!

Hi Teri
I was going to contact you when sister Monica's numbers have been crunched by GEDmatch - her number is A933457.
She would love to be included in the Vosper cousins emails - her name is Monica Parker - she is using my tree on Ancestry as we have done all the work together over the years anyway! 

On 22/05/2017 17:00, Infoseeker@Gmail wrote:

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