Sunday, August 27, 2017

An interesting coincidence

As I’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, I have been concentrating on my colonial American heritage for the past year.  Recently one of our newest Vosper cousins, Glenda, offered to help me with a bit of research at the New England Historical and Genealogical Society.  I had been researching Capt. Joseph Weld, who had been born in Sudbury, England, and was one of the early residents of Roxbury, Massachusetts.  Glenda found an article about Sudbury which mentioned:


Other records I had looked at indicated that the Weld family is of old Saxon heritage.  You may recognize the name highlighted in the article – Richard de Clare (FitzGilbert) is our 29th grandfather on our Vosper line. 


So, it appears that William the Conquerer took the Sudbury lands from my Saxon ancestors, the Welds, and granted them to Richard de Clare, our Vosper ancestor.   The article mentions the establishment of wool manufacturers, and my Weld ancestors were “mercers” – sellers of cloth….


Interesting how that came around!


Cousin Teri

DNA results of Cousin Judy's brother, Mike

FINALLY, I am getting to Judy's brother's results – sorry for the delay, Judy!


Mike has a TON of matches, including some relatively big cM matches, given how far back in time our common ancestors are – John Vosper & Grace Goddard, 6 generations.  Here are the results of the 1 to 1 comparisons:



My brother has a good size match on chr. 19:



And my other brother, Tom, does, too:

You can see by looking at the start and end locations that my brother Robert's results are identical to my brother, Tom's – they are located within the very same segment on chr. 19.


I don't know how Susan fits into our Vosper Cousins group – her Vosper family is from Pillaton, but we've never figured out exactly how she matches, and she is not a "Vosper Cousin".





Another interesting match – Bella is an adoptee who does not know who her parents are/were – but it's obvious there's some Vosper in there!






Robert Vosper is a 2nd cousin to me, with a common immigrant grandfather – but he doesn't have the chr. 19 overlap that my brothers have.  This shows the importance of testing multiple family members.





Here is an overview of how Mike matches my family:



Judy, Mike's sister is shown below.  Note that she does not share the chr. 19 match:


Just goes to show, it's important to test all the older members of the families.  In case you're wondering, I usually don't run an analysis of the children of a "Cousin" because they're DNA, by definition, will be smaller in matches than their parent.  So, Jon Vosper, please don't think you're being ignored – it's just that your father's DNA contains more matching segments than yours will.


On to the next cousin!  Hope you're all having a great day!  Keep those DNA results coming in!


Cousin Teri

From: Judy Fehringer
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2017 3:55 PM
Subject: home again


Cousin Teri,


I am back from the hinterlands of central Nebraska. The eclipse was absolutely incredible. I was rather ambivalent about going, but I am so glad I did. My brother and daughter got some wonderful pictures; the weather cooperated and the traffic was not bad at all. Everyone has headed home and I am trying to do a mountain of bedding and towels.


I ran my brother's DNA on some of the kit numbers that you had sent but got few matches. Then I realized that I was running it at 7 cms and probably should have lowered it. I couldn't find F.V.'s number, and I think that is the match from Ancestry.


My brother is M.S. who is managed by jasf1 on Ancestry. I think I put him in as Mike on Gedmatch, but with  my email. Again, his number is A538477.


Cousin Judy




Cousin Bernice got her DNA results

… and I have been working on comparing her DNA with other Vosper cousins.  The POSITIVE results are below:



As always, it’s important to note that small segments, in the range of 2 cM to 7 cM MAY be indicative of random changes in DNA and not of inheritance.


I found Robert’s comparatively large match to be interesting, since he is one of my closest cousins, yet my side of the family did not inherit this same segment.



Sheila also had a nice size segment match, above.


I do ‘track’  Cousin Robert’s DNA matches to Vosper descendants, and below is his  segment map for Vosper & Goddard, the common ancestors for him and Bernice:



It is also interesting to note that the segments Bernice match Robert on also overlap that of Sheila, showing that this is INHERITED and not by chance:




I’ve got one more Vosper cousin who has DNA tested and done their upload to Gedmatch, and I’ll be sending that out soon.  There is another NEW Vosper cousin who has gotten in touch via our Blog, and I’m working to get her included in our little group.


Cousin Teri

Sunday, August 13, 2017

RE: Barbara Wearne - DNA information from another Vosper relative

Hi Cousins!


Lesley has introduced a new potential Vosper Cousin, Barbara Wearne (B.W.) – see her email below.  Lesley did a good many DNA tests which show some surprisingly strong results – again, see her message below.  I found the following additional results.






Running the 'People who match one or both of 2 kits' on GedMatch with me and Barbara, and then the chromosome browser, we find this very nice segment matching on chr 2:

Note the very nice vertical lineup between about 150 and 179, illustrating that our matching chromosomes are from a common ancestor.



I'm in the process of updating the Cousin Chart, if Barbara wants to become a "Vosper Cousin"…


Cousin Teri



From: Lesley Dawson
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2017 8:02 AM
To: Info Seeker
Subject: Barbara Wearne - my maternal cousin's results


Barbara is the daughter of my mother's brother, so this is all paternal for her.
Here they are Teri:

Great Match with you and many others! Nothing with James Vosper, John Vosper, Sheila Stevens, Glenda

Robyn Morley above.


Cousin Lesley