Sunday, August 13, 2017

RE: Barbara Wearne - DNA information from another Vosper relative

Hi Cousins!


Lesley has introduced a new potential Vosper Cousin, Barbara Wearne (B.W.) – see her email below.  Lesley did a good many DNA tests which show some surprisingly strong results – again, see her message below.  I found the following additional results.






Running the 'People who match one or both of 2 kits' on GedMatch with me and Barbara, and then the chromosome browser, we find this very nice segment matching on chr 2:

Note the very nice vertical lineup between about 150 and 179, illustrating that our matching chromosomes are from a common ancestor.



I'm in the process of updating the Cousin Chart, if Barbara wants to become a "Vosper Cousin"…


Cousin Teri



From: Lesley Dawson
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2017 8:02 AM
To: Info Seeker
Subject: Barbara Wearne - my maternal cousin's results


Barbara is the daughter of my mother's brother, so this is all paternal for her.
Here they are Teri:

Great Match with you and many others! Nothing with James Vosper, John Vosper, Sheila Stevens, Glenda

Robyn Morley above.


Cousin Lesley


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