Sunday, August 27, 2017

Cousin Bernice got her DNA results

… and I have been working on comparing her DNA with other Vosper cousins.  The POSITIVE results are below:



As always, it’s important to note that small segments, in the range of 2 cM to 7 cM MAY be indicative of random changes in DNA and not of inheritance.


I found Robert’s comparatively large match to be interesting, since he is one of my closest cousins, yet my side of the family did not inherit this same segment.



Sheila also had a nice size segment match, above.


I do ‘track’  Cousin Robert’s DNA matches to Vosper descendants, and below is his  segment map for Vosper & Goddard, the common ancestors for him and Bernice:



It is also interesting to note that the segments Bernice match Robert on also overlap that of Sheila, showing that this is INHERITED and not by chance:




I’ve got one more Vosper cousin who has DNA tested and done their upload to Gedmatch, and I’ll be sending that out soon.  There is another NEW Vosper cousin who has gotten in touch via our Blog, and I’m working to get her included in our little group.


Cousin Teri

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