Monday, October 31, 2016

FW: Jewish link in Arundel family line.

Hello Vosper Cousins! 


Linda Wilson, one of our Vosper Cousins has found what looks to be another Jewish link on our tree, going back from the Arundel side of the family (See her email below).   Thanks so much, Linda, for sharing your research!


I also have Joan Jewe in my tree at  but have no facts to corroborate this (I apparently got it from an unsourced Ancestry tree).


I would like to find some collaboration that the Jewe and Jeue surnames are accurate, and that they were references to their religious heritage, and not just a spelling variation (ie “Jewel”) – does anyone have any additional information about this?  I have not done any real research on the Arundel line, but have never heard of any Jewish connection.


This line with Jewish heritage is in ADDITION to the Vosper Jewish line.  We know this because Robert Vosper’s Y-DNA test came back with a Jewish haplotype, and this is only passed from father to son, no women get the Y chromosome, and therefore it could not come from the Arundel line.


Happy Halloween to those of you who enjoy that sort of thing….we went to a party Saturday night and had a bit too much fun!   My feet are still recovering from my first experience at dancing since ‘the accident’…..


Cousin Teri


From: Linda Wilson
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 3:26 AM
To: Info Seeker
Subject: Jewish link


Hi Teri


I found the Jewish link.  I suspect that during the Crusades, the knights of St John befriended Israelites to gang up against the Saracens and so Jews Came to England.


My 15th GGF was Nicholas Arundel (1399-1463)

He married Johanna St John (1408-1462)

Her mother was Joan Jewe (1375-1440)

whose father was William Jeue 1354-1430)


Kind Regards
Linda Wilson


From: Info Seeker <>
Sent: 28 October 2016 23:56
To: 'Linda Wilson'
Subject: RE: Another ENGLISH Vosper Cousin and other news


I hadn’t planned that far away, but I’d heard about it from a guy who runs the Pigrim Museum in Leiden.   They are doing a big celebration there, as well.


Sounds like you have a great trip planned!




From: Linda Wilson []
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2016 11:10 AM
To: Info Seeker
Subject: Re: Another ENGLISH Vosper Cousin and other news


Are you planning to come over to the UK for the Mayflower 400 year anniversary?  the Plymouth New Museum will open in April 2020 ready for the celebration.  We are expecting quite a few to come over from the States.


I found a Jewish ancestor a while ago, I will let you know when I've had a serious look.  I seem to remember that she was called "Jane the Jew"  lived about the same time as Richard III.


Afraid I can not join you in Florida in December as I will be in Chile, Antartica, Argentinia.


Kind Regards
Cousin Linda Wilson


From: Info Seeker <>
Sent: 28 October 2016 17:54
To: Info Seeker
Subject: Another ENGLISH Vosper Cousin and other news


We have a new Vosper Cousin joining our little group – Malcolm Lockhart, from Somerset, England.   I have attached an updated Cousin Chart – Malcolm’s line is located in the 5th column from the right, and his closest cousins are William Williams in Delaware (5th cousins 1x removed), and John Elliott Vosper in Australia (5th cousins, if I calculated correctly…).   He is an 8th cousin to me, according to Ancestry’s calculator.


In other news, Moira, John Elliott’s wife, tells me they have received the Y-DNA kit we sent out, and was scheduled to have sent it back to FTDNA last weekend.  The results of this kit are anxiously awaited, as this is one of the few male-to-male Vosper surname lines we have, and we hope the results will confirm Robert Vosper’s DNA results, which confirm the Jewish ancestry reported in various English sources.


Malcolm, it may be a surprise to you that we have traced our ancestry back to being Jewish – many of us who have DNA tested show small amounts of Ashkenazi heritage.  To store all our Jewish related material I have created a placeholder person on my Ancestry tree which you can access here:


I’ve been overwhelmed with a new DNA project I’m working on, trying to find common chr. segments in descendants of George Soule, Mayflower passenger, and that’s kept me from working on much Vosper stuff.   I have received my copy of “The Lost Jews of Cornwall”, but have only gotten as far as looking in the index for “Vosper” and “Trevosper”, to no avail.  The first chapter seems to deal with the earlier times in Cornwall, but, at a glance, does not contain any particulars for our help as genealogists.  A deeper reading is required….


Sure wish I had known all my English Vosper Cousins when I visited Cornwall and England a few years ago…. But, on a positive note, I hope to meet up with some of our Vosper Cousins in Florida when I visit there in December….


Cousin Teri

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