Thursday, November 7, 2019

Theory of the Male Baskevill lines

Hi Cousins!  Happy Thursday!


I have gone through the baptism records of the Cornwood and Shaugh Priorys and picked out as many of the Baskevill baptism records as I could make sense of.  I’ve arranged them in family groups, trying to figure out where Digory may fit in.  Here’s how it came out:



As you can see, I haven’t come any closer to figuring out where Digory belongs.  He could be the son of any one of the (supposed) brothers, Henry, Richard, Sampson, or Thomas – all of whom are shown as having children, but non of whom show baptismal records.  You can review some of the research records here:


Time to move on to other lines! Only 2 days left! (sorry for how I interchange the spelling of Baskevill, Baskervill, Baskerville….)


Cousin Teri

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