Monday, January 13, 2020

Rev John Vosper ancestor of Richard Willis - MYSTERY SOLVED!


Hi everyone! Cousin Sheila has been working really hard at uncovering the mystery of how Rev. John Vosper fits into our Vosper group, and we have finally figured it out!  Our common ancestors are Robert Vosper and Mary Bawden.  Some of her work is reflected in the attachments to this email, shown below:

Baptism of Mary Bawden, 15 Jan 1773 (at bottom of page)  On my tree here:


Father of Rev. John Vosper




On my tree at:



On my tree at:



After Sheila worked her magic I looked back at the Visitations of Cornwall charts, and he was on it in plain sight!



Reverend John can be found on my tree at:   I need to incorporate the data from Cousin Sheila’s attachments, and then it will be correct (I hope!)



I will be updating the Cousins Chart soon with Rev. John’s descendants down to Richard, but I’ve got to make some corrections to Kenneth Vosper’s line and I’ve got the whole Thomas Dyer Vosper lines situation to try to straighten out.  There were so many TDV’s I’ve gotten them quite mixed up.


Hope your January is going well.  Time sure does fly, doesn’t it?


Cousin Teri


-----Original Message-----
From: Sheila

Sent: Monday, January 13, 2020 9:08 AM

Subject: Rev John Vosper


Hi, attach documents that clarify the Rev John Vospers lineage.  Looks like he fits in with Robert Vosper and Mary Bowden but not 100% yet.  Going back into Exeter Tree House next Monday to search again. There were numerous references to him on and again New Zealand papers on line. Would you pass the info onto Kay Willis.

We come back to trying to clarify Mary Bawdens history which we are trying to done t

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