Saturday, May 16, 2020

DNA results for Brittany Warren's mother, Rebecca Howell

Good morning cousins!  Brittany shared her and her mother’s DNA results with me on Ancestry, and while she does not match any of the kits from Vosper cousins shared with me, she does have 3 matches with people with the surname VOSPER in their trees.

The first, and most interesting, is Kyle Hilgenfeld.   Kyle also matches me (9 cm) and Lesley Dawson (8 cm).   The most ancient Vosper on his tree is Thomas Vosper (1738 Tresmeer – 1830 Egloskerry), who was married to Elizabeth Adams (1743 – 1821 Lewannick).  Their son, Richard (1784-1861) married Elizabeth Nicholls (1793-1850) [ the name Nicholls is of interest to me because I once saw it mentioned as a middle name to William Vosper, but didn’t note where I saw it, and therefore took it off his name ]. 

I have this Thomas Vosper on my tree here:

This is the same Thomas shown on our cousins chart here:

I don’t show that Malcolm Lockhart, William Williams, John Elliott Vosper or Robert McAuslan have DNA tested or they would probably match him.

So, Rebecca Howell, Brittany’s mother, shows INDIRECT connections this way on the Vosper Chart, with the line through Thomas Vosper representing Kyle Hilgenfeld:

In a bit of an off-topic, I feel I should tell you I got some really weird results on Ancestry.  When I searched for people who had the surname Vosper in their trees for Rebecca’s DNA on my PHONE, I got this result:

BUT, when I did the same results on the Ancestry PC version, it came back with no matches!  So weird!  I guess the moral of this story is, if you don’t get what you think you should on your PC, check your phone to see if you get the same results.  NOW, I just went back to test that, and it is working on my PC!  Just wasting my time….

Both Michelle Childerley and Stacey Jordan-Knox have private trees, and I have written to them asking them about their Vosper roots.  None of the rest of us match them (that I know of), only Rebecca.  If some of you manage other Vosper DNA tests, you might want to check them to see if they match Rebecca Howell.

All of this does not help us narrow down the origins of Rebecca / Brittany’s Vosper family origins.

Cousin Teri

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