Saturday, May 16, 2020

FW: Y DNA and the Jewish connection - Part 4

There is currently a Trevosper Barn holiday house near Launceston, you can see pictures of it and other details about the Trevosper family at:

I have been able to find references to the Trevosper and Trevoseburgh line back to about 1250:

Of course, we know that the Jews were expelled from England in 1290:   So, how did they survive in Cornwall through this period.  Or was Cornwall governed separately, and the Trevosper family was overlooked.  (Just recently I was reading that Cornwall views itself as a nation, perhaps they didn’t take part in the expulsion)

So, what does ALL this tell us.  Hmmmm.   If we accept my guesswork that Trevosper and Trevosburgh are variations of the name Vosper, it would indicate that the family was in Cornwall back quite a while.  How does that mesh with the idea of a “Jewish refugee”?  Beats me.  I think the main source of this “Jewish refugee” history is the Visitations book, which does contain many errors.  I think the lineage shown in Visitations was created some time in the 1800’s and that the person compiling it just didn’t see the Trevosper connection (No computers to do searching with then!). 

There are some literary references to the Vospers being connected to the mining industry, but they are mostly anecdotal sources (Traditions and Hearthside Stories), as opposed to, say, the History of the Borough of Liskeard and its Vicinity:


In the absence of any reliable historical documents, I tend to revert to the scientific DNA evidence, which points me in the direction of the Jewish haplotype.

Hope this answers all your questions!   (Or maybe it promotes more investigation into historical and DNA sources!)

Cousin Teri

1 comment:

  1. I had my DNA analysed and it indicates that my paternal ancestors came from Norway. That is my Haplotype.
