Thursday, September 8, 2016

Some other charts you may be interested in: Arundells and King Edward I

From: Sheila Stevens
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 2:18 PM
To: Info Seeker
Subject: Re: Some other charts you may be interested in:

Hi, I've now looked at all your information on the Vospers from Cornwall. Amazing history, considering I live just up the road feel quite guilty at not researching this link, I have spent more time on looking into relatives in Canada !!!  It is also nice to know where the Jewish DNA originated.
It's great to have cross reference data. 

On Wednesday, 17 August 2016, Info Seeker  wrote:

Our relationship to King Edward I:

I think you have already found this on my tree (I see some of my graphics on your tree):  Relationship of the Arundell Family:

Yvonne Morant's tree is another great source, and she has developed a part of the tree I haven't gotten to yet, in particular, our Graville line:

Have fun!

Cousin Teri

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