Thursday, September 8, 2016

VOSPER TREE - FIVE NEW GENERATIONS! - followup from Yvonne

From: Yvonne Morant
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2016 5:08 PM
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Thanks so much Teri. This is great. Of course I haven't had time to study this new info yet but to me it makes more sense that the Vospers go back further than our Johanes because, for a start, Visitations said he came in time of Henry VII which was over by the time he was born so I always suspected there was at least one more generation and now it looks like more.
Another thing that's clear is that, notwithstanding a Jewish refugee somewhere along the line, there was probably a conversion as the Vospers we had so far in our tree appear to be Christians because there are baptism records and also because a couple of them held posts of Mayor and Burgess which I understand Jews would have been not allowed to hold. This could also explain why they were not expelled.
Very god work. Thank you.
Yvonne, Perth, Australia

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