Thursday, September 8, 2016

Vosper family from Launceston - David Hillman 1

From: Teri
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 6:21 PM
To: 'davidhillman07@

Subject: RE: FW: Vosper family from Launceston


Have DNA tested 6 Vosper descendants.  All have small amounts of Ashkenazi heritage in their admixture.  One did the Y-DNA test, and it's a Jewish Haplogroup.  Have you DNA tested?


Have you investigated the claims of Silesia or German origin?  Have you found any records that actually indicate this?  It would go along with the Ashkenazi heritage….


Have you gotten a copy of the document which shows the Gifford connection?


I just got some copies of records from the Cornwall Records Office that I can't really figure out….




From: davidhillman07@
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 11:22 AM
To: Teri
Subject: Re: FW: Vosper family from Launceston


The Jewisnd  ancestor could not have come over in the time of Henry VII as the Visitations (ed Vivian) and Burke;s Landed gentry say - as there were Vospers and Trevospers much earlier in Launceston. So the story if yrue is garbled. I am interested in tour gene discovery.


------ Original Message ------

From: "Teri

To: davidhillman07@

Sent: 2/4/2016 5:15:29 PM

Subject: FW: Vosper family from Launceston


Hi David.  I got no response from the email below, but found another article written by you in the Cornwall Historical Society, which led me to a RootsWeb site, with a different email address, so I thought I'd try that.


After reading your article in the Cornwall Historical Society I think you might be very interested in some of the DNA work I've done, which proves the Jewish heritage.  The Cousin chart attached does coincide with your theory that we are all descended from Daniel.


I sincerely hope you will get in touch.




From: Teri Callahan
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 12:22 PM
To: 'david.hillman1@
Subject: Vosper family from Launceston


Hi David. 


I am a kind-of coordinator for a group of Vosper cousins interested in genealogy and in the history of our family.  One of us, Yvonne, recently found the extensive body of work you've published on


First, thank you so much for your hard work and for publishing it in a public place.


Second, I have a number of questions about your work, and was hoping you'd be willing to share some of your sources…..


I have attached a copy of our "Cousin Chart" showing all of our interrelations, in case you're interested.  Some of us have DNA tested, and the results show our common Vosper roots.


Thank you for your consideration,





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